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Professional Consultant Certificate (PCC)

This service, also widely known as the “Architects Certificate”, allows a developer of self builder, to obtain an independent certification of the general standard of construction and compliance with approved plans.  The certificate is an alternative to NHBC but is not equivalent in terms of the guarantee offered.


You would provide us with a full set of plans and the specification. We would inspect at stated intervals or stages and only if we are satisfied with the standard of construction would a certificate be issued.


The benefit of the certificate can be passed on to numerous subsequent purchasers of the property for up to six years.


We will usually be more flexible around inspections than other providers and whilst not having any design liability, are happy to discuss issues and work with clients or contractors to find a resolution as problems arise.


Please fill in our online Survey Quote Form here and we will be in touch with a quotation, or contact us on 01603 397055 to discuss your options in more detail.

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